Monday, July 30, 2012

Babies R Us.....Swift and quick....

This is a store that I dread to go into as an adoptive Mom to be.....dont get me wrong, its a great store with great baby items, but if you are in your endless and adoptive.... "no end in sight wait "to be a Mom,  its not really a happy place you want to be. Hubby and I ran in there to get a gift card for a friend and had the pleasure of being in a never ending line full of screw ups and customer ridculousness that sent me over the edge.  I counted 8 baby bumps and a line full of preggie pops and nipple cream, not mentioning the 100 infants in their car seat/stroller options rolling around with new parents.........ahhhh.....not a hater......just a waiter..........can I get an Amen???? I am a Mom to be minus the extra weight.....yea I said it:)........

My everyday Korean babe waiting for me in Korea right now......his Mom and Dad waiting for the call.  Dreaming of the day comining home as we look up in the sky everyday and see big planes....knowing one day we will be on one home bound....Knowing that my child waits for me more than I wait for him...knowing that we are both in the world and we are ready to love him more than he ever though possible.  Knowing that as wonderful as birth is, adoption is just as sacred, maybe more because families are grown within our heart and not our womb.......


  1. Well said! We've been home over 4 years, but sometimes those things still get to me... Hoping for good news for you soon :)

  2. You have been waiting SO long. 1 year, 10 months is just too long. I think about you often, I hope the call comes unexpectedly quick.

  3. Amen sister!! I was sitting in the back of our church last Sunday, with friend of mine who is currently going through fertility issues and I looked at her and said "Is it me or is there about 50 babies in front of us?" She gave me that half hearted nod! I know what you mean though. I've been home with my little guy for almost 3 years and I'm still bugged by it as well. Mainly because we want a sibling for our son, but aren't quite sure how that will happen! It's hard when the process is sooooo easy for so many people, but for others (like us) it's an ordeal. However, I look at it like being the chosen one. Not "Everyone" is called to adopt. God hand picks adoptive parents and I feel honored to be one of them. The experiece was so rich in blessings and invovled so many amazing people whom we had the privilege of meeting! OUr son came into our world with an entire community behind him! I wouldn't trade him or this experience for anything! You are getting so much closer to your prize. You're in our prayers! Keep the faith!

  4. Thank you ladies,

    Your support has been the world to me.....I'm going private soon...please send me your email as I would love to keep in touch.

  5. Hi there! Just visiting your blog for the first time (thanks for stopping by mine!) and love it! I remember our first time in a giant toy store. Was really hard! And to be honest, I don't really enjoy going there all that much now that LM is home. As for the endless sea of baby bumps...that used to really bother me but that really got easier once we had our sweet boy home. Hope it's the same for you! Pix at Cheese Curds and Kimchi
